This lens features an innovative all glass prism design that eliminates mirror coatings to give the brightest image possible. Only a prism utilizing a total internal reflection (TIR) mirror can deliver 100% of available light back to the observer. The Ocular 1.5X Magna View is based on this concept to provide the brightest image possible. This, coupled with the use of low dispersion glass, computer enhanced optical design, and our advanced Laserlight® HD anti-reflective coating, creates an exceptional gonio lens for diagnosis, treatments and digital documentation of the anterior chamber angle. Available with the Ocular Securefit® flange.
Product Code: OMVGL-1.5X
Gonio Mag: 1.50x
Gonio Laser Spot Mag: .67x
Contact Diameter: 14.5mm or 15mm with flange
Lens Height: 25mm
Static Gonio FOV: 120°